Sunday, April 20, 2008

Item 17 - Cool Stuff

I tried several of the so-called "cool things" and found the first few to be not so cool for me. For example, when I typed my blog's URL into the website that tells you its reading level, I got a message that said "We were unable to check the URL you entered."

I tried Scrabulous, but got stuck just when I was getting the hang of it, on the second game, when it wouldn't give me any more tiles or give me my points. There was a little message there that said it was a problem with my wireless network. That promised to be not worth my time delving into any farther.

I spent some time looking around in Technorati, but don't feel that I really get blogging, and I definitely don't feel that I understand Technorati, so I wandered back out of there after only a few minutes.

I finally ended up playing Wordshoot for a while. That is kind of fun, although I don't really like shooting and getting shot at. I did get my score up to 35,360, with 94% accuracy and 235 words spelled correctly!

On that note, I decided to rest on my laurels and post this blog note.

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