Monday, January 28, 2008

So today I feel like I finally got the hang of RSS. I added a number of RSS feeds to my Bloglines account, and am going to get ride of a few. It's actually kind of fun!

I can see that this could be very useful for library patrons. They could be kept informed about new books or other materials added to the collection; upcoming programs of interest; or new services.

They could also subscribe to blogs posted by library staff. I think our communities would enjoy reading regular blog posts from their branch librarian; teen or children's services coordinator; executive director; foundation director; board member; or in fact, any staff member that would like to keep people posted on "a day at the library" and what we do here. In fact, blogging is an amazing way to tell our stories - both the institutional story and our personal stories as library staff.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

RSS - Aargh

This has been the hardest one for me so far. I know there is some part of this I just haven't got. I will keep struggling along, but I agree with one of the other bloggers who said we have too much information as it is. Why would we want all this additional info to coming streaming into our lives?!!

I think now that I know about RSS and how it works (sort of), I will find uses for it as I go about my daily life. Anytime there is a website or topic I want to keep up with, I can create new feeds. It definitely feels like something I need to live with before I find it useful.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Today I discovered Bubblr, where you can search for photos with a particular tag and then create comic strip-type bubbles. You can create a whole comic strip and then publish it to the website.

I didn't quite get what I was doing until I had already published it, plus I wasn't feeling quite as witty as I would have liked at the moment, but I did have fun with it, and will definitely try it again.

The most hilarious photo I found was of a boy with a pained expression on his face holding a flute or, I guess, a recorder, while a stern looking woman plays the piano beside him. They look to be from the forties or early fifties, and the poses are stiff and uncomfortable. It was just asking for a bubble, and I couldn't come up with one for the life of me! Maybe someone reading this blog can think of one.